ZPS Slévárna
We cast your vision
Casting is a hard work but we are loving it
From flames and heat the framework of your machines arises
We are Masters of Metal
Every day we live for Heavy Metal
Get to know us and our work
We are proud to be a supplier of iron castings for important worldwide producers of machinery. Our castings are parts e.g. of trams and high-speed trains in many cities all over the world or parts of machine tools produced by top producers; moreover, they also help all of us in the field of health care - making part of x-ray equipments.
We provide you with a COMPLETE SERVICE: aiming at improving our product functionality and price optimizing, we discuss the technical aspects with your designers before the production is launched, we can advise you about materials and patterns which are produced in our internal pattern shop; our labs can prepare tests and proofs you require. Take advantage of other services such as machining, heat treatment, surface finishing and transportation to the destination.